10 easy ways to cut utility costs this summer

Category Home advice

The municipal tariff increases implemented in July are really starting to bite now, with many home owners also struggling to cope with rocketing fuel costs and the effects of the VAT increase. And with the summer heat starting to rise in most parts of SA now consumption is set to increase as gardens are watered and airconditioners are turned on. 

Fortunately, however, new technologies added to old-fashioned common sense can significantly cut the costs of water and electricity services, says Berry Everitt, CEO of the Chas Everitt International property group.

Here are 10 easy ways to begin:

* If your home has a shower, use it and encourage your children to use it whenever possible instead of taking a bath. Push-button showers and low-flow showerheads save even more water.

* Tap aerators are inexpensive and easy to install in the kitchen, where you should also always use a basin rather than running water when rinsing vegetables and washing dishes. 

* Check the thermostat on the geyser, which in most cases can be turned down several degrees resulting in a constant saving of electricity.

* Turn the geyser off when you leave the house for any length of time. Leaving it on is like boiling the kettle over and over again for one cup of tea.

* Use cold water washing machine cycles whenever possible and use the machine – and the dishwasher – only when you have a full load.

* Replace burnt out light bulbs with new, energy-efficient LEDs. These cost more initially, but they have a much longer life and use only about 20% of the power of conventional bulbs.

* Cultivate good housekeeping habits like turning off lights when you leave a room and replacing leaking tap washers immediately.

* Close curtains or blinds to minimise heat gain in your home during the day and open them in the evening to let cooler air in. You will use less electricity for an airconditioner or cooling fans.

* Install ceiling insulation as soon as you can to further lower your cooling costs in summer and you will also benefit next winter.

* Don’t leave your microwave, TV, computer and other electronic devices on “standby” when you are not at home as they are still consuming electricity in this mode.

Author: Meg Wilson

Submitted 25 Sep 18 / Views 1295